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Wednesday, November 26, 2014


I am always hesitant to discuss inflammatory subjects such as Ferguson, but there is a lot of bullshit being spewed from all corners.  I asked a friend of mine who is a prosecutor to comment on his thoughts regarding the Ferguson Grand Jury process.  After his thoughts, I will give a couple of my own.  So without further adieu, after the jump, Mr. Anonymous Prosecutor, ADA:

Monday, November 24, 2014

Harassing royalty

Remember that recent video of the woman walking through NYC, receiving all of the catcalls?

Here is a humorous take on it for us geeks:

The big lie

One of the things that really drives me nuts is when people state that the Civil War was about State's Rights, and not about slavery.  A lot of the time, this statement is in reference to complaints about the Confederate Battle Flag representing slavery and racism.  Well, the Civil War was indeed about State's Rights...THEIR RIGHT TO HAVE SLAVERY!!!!!   The complaints are 100% right, the flag represents slavery.  Proof after the jump.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Dumb and Dumber To

So, me and the wife went and saw Dumb and Dumber To on our date night last weekend.  She liked it and thought it was funny.  What did I think of it?  It did not even rate a Meh from me, in fact my review is below:

More Marc Randazza bad asserey

So I have a man crush on Marc Randazza.  He is a bad ass lawyer.  He is most definitely not a fan of Julien Blanc.  Who is Julien Blanc you ask? Google to find out, but basically he makes Tucker Max look like an angel.  Blanc made a video in which he said some really stupid shit.  the shit in question soon went public, and then viral.  It was posted and discussed on 8chan.  Blanc's attorney sent a takedown notice to 8chan's lawyer.  Guess who that lawyer was?  That's right Mr. Badass himself, who sent a reply, informing Blan'c attorney that 8chan would not comply.  Why am I so giddy (yes, I said giddy) about the reply?  Because Marc schools the fuck out of the other lawyer with wit, sarcasm, and outright contempt.  Just take a look at the awesomeness for yourself.  It may take a couple of readings to get the full effect.  My favorite part? "Jesus Hello Kitty Christ on a Rocket-Powered Toboggan, are you FREAKIN' SERIOUS?"  I never ever expected to see that statement in legal correspondance.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

I love this guy, what a first amendment badass!

Marc Randazza is a first amendment lawyer badass.  I've followed some of his wins over the years, but actually only just recently started to read his blog.  It is awesome!  It is definitely on my daily reading list.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Texans are stupid

The elections ended pretty much like I expected.  However, some of the people elected solely because they are republicans....Abbott is a hypocritical scuzzball, but he ran against Davis and was a shoo-in; but Dan Patrick????  Not to even mention Louie Gohmert, the dumbest man in congress.  East Texans truly have their heads up their asses