Friday, November 21, 2014

More Marc Randazza bad asserey

So I have a man crush on Marc Randazza.  He is a bad ass lawyer.  He is most definitely not a fan of Julien Blanc.  Who is Julien Blanc you ask? Google to find out, but basically he makes Tucker Max look like an angel.  Blanc made a video in which he said some really stupid shit.  the shit in question soon went public, and then viral.  It was posted and discussed on 8chan.  Blanc's attorney sent a takedown notice to 8chan's lawyer.  Guess who that lawyer was?  That's right Mr. Badass himself, who sent a reply, informing Blan'c attorney that 8chan would not comply.  Why am I so giddy (yes, I said giddy) about the reply?  Because Marc schools the fuck out of the other lawyer with wit, sarcasm, and outright contempt.  Just take a look at the awesomeness for yourself.  It may take a couple of readings to get the full effect.  My favorite part? "Jesus Hello Kitty Christ on a Rocket-Powered Toboggan, are you FREAKIN' SERIOUS?"  I never ever expected to see that statement in legal correspondance.

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