Tuesday, January 13, 2015

And were back...

So, I seem to have fallen behind during my little break.  Well, here is a mega post to try and catch up.

Je Suis Charlie

No link needed, everyone knows what happened.  What cracks me up is these nimrod terrorists don't seem to understand they make their god look like a total pussy.  If  your god actually cared about his prophet being made fun of, don't ya think he would have taken care of it himself with a lightning strike, or earthquake?  He needs you to protect him and Mohammad from blasphemy?

Take that motherfuckers

Tamir Rice

If you haven't heard the story, Tamir Rice was a 12 year old boy in Cleveland who was gunned down by cops for brandishing an airsoft pistol.  Of course, the police department spouted off about how it was justified.  But the video evidence showed the cops pulled up and immediately shot the kid.    Then come to find out the cop who pulled the trigger had a history of mental instability and had been fired by a previous agency for dismal gun performance. The union boss had the gall to state video shows the kid was an immediate threat and the shooting was justified.  What fucking video was he watching?????   But it gets worse, the full video was released which showed not only did they kill the kid immediately, they failed to even attempt to render first aid.  When his distraught sister ran to help him, the poor scared policemen knocked her down, handcuffed her and threw her into the squad car.  They then just stood around and did not try and help the kid.  No help was given until an FBI agent arrived and tried to administer first aid.  Below is the full video if you can stomach watching it.

NYPD ButtHurt

So two NYPD officers were tragically killed by some psycho who had just killed his girlfriend earlier that day.  The cops immediately started crying about it being open season on cops.  Never mind that they were the first two cops shot and killed in the line of duty since 2011.  The union bosses and Guliani started to blame the mayor and everyone the could for creating an anticop climate.  The cops started to not enforce the law for petty crimes (actually a good thing) in protest of the mayor and city hall.

yes it was tragic the two innocent cops were killed, but there is no evidence whatsoever the Garner no bill or the criticism was the reason for the shooting. 

Kirby Delauter

So, Kirby Delauter is a council member in Frederick County Maryland who got a case of butthurt when a local reporter used his name in a story.  Ol' Kirby threatened the reporter with lawfare and deliciously, the Streisand Effect took hold.  Soon people were repeatedly posting his name all over the internet literally daring him to sue them.  The Frederick local paper wrote an editorial and tried to use his name repeatedly and as much as possible.
Well, Ol' Kirby finally realized he made a supreme ass out of himself and apologized.

I have heard some people have problems commenting.  I request everyone try and comment, and let me know if it doesn't work.

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