So, I seem to have fallen behind during my little break. Well, here is a mega post to try and catch up.
One man's opinion on the state of the world we live in. Sometimes serious, sometimes joking, but always profane!
Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
- 10 people killed in shooting at grocery store in Boulder, Colo.
- Biden team searches for new ways to slow border surge
- Why did Latino men shift toward Trump in 2020? I looked to my dad for answers.
- AstraZeneca’s U.S. trial data may have been ‘outdated’ and ‘incomplete,’ NIH says
- Evanston, Ill., leads the country with first reparations program for Black residents
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
And were back...
So, I seem to have fallen behind during my little break. Well, here is a mega post to try and catch up.
Thursday, January 1, 2015
Happy Holidays
I'm currently in the middle of a two week staycation. I had planned on a variety of posts, with all the extra time I had, but as usual, life got in the way. I had septic tank issues that devoured my time. I will return to posting soon.
Friday, December 19, 2014
Sanity prevails
Well, a bit of sanity prevailed in one aspect of the whole Washington Redskins name imbroglio. I had feared in this day and age of political correctness, the team would lose on all aspects of their challenges. Now lets hope the Patent and Trademark Office will come to their senses on the appeal currently in progress.
WND; the gift that keeps on giving
So, I was perusing WND for shits and giggles and came across a couple of stories:
Shelly Bachmann's Ode to nuttiness. I cannot impart how much contempt and disdain I have for this woman. She personifies the birther, wingnut mindset. The bitch didn't do anything worthwhile during her stint in Congress except spout off conspiracy theories and flatout lies. Yet, remarkably as shown in the comments in the linked article, a lot of people still believe she is the savior of Jeebus and Conservative America. The difference between Bachmann and Pelosi? Pelosis doesn't believe the shit coming out of her own mouth. She is a professional politician and lies accordingly. I believe Shelly believes everything she says, which I find a lot scarier.
And then there was this article about a Mosque in Georgia. One of the things that pisses me off about a lot of Christians (not all of them, but a lot), is that they don't understand that our First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion applies to everyone, not just Christians. To some of these assholes, it seems their belief is "religious freedom for me, but not for thee". The city initially denied the Mosque a permit, but had approved other churches to operate in the same area. When informed by the city attorney that they were looking at a probable lawsuit, and would most likely lose under RLUIPA, they quickly reversed course, and approved the Mosque's application. Well, the people of the good {sarcasm} town* went apeshit as well as a lot of other God Fearin' true patriotic muricans. Read the comments section in the linked article. Granted, is is WND, which is festering with the illiterate, the dangerous, and the flatout batshit crazy nutters, but it is so funny these assholes post about the Constitution and don't even realize their arguments are anticonstitutional. I laughed out loud at the delicious irony of one guy who posted this: "Liberals have an amazing capacity to reject reality". So says someone posting on WND, the epitome of reality rejection. Jesus wept.
*interestingly, this is the town that has the famous city ordinance requiring firearm ownership.
additionally, I realized this is the same county from the Fuck the Police story from Wednesday...Go Georgia, sooner or later you'll catch up to Oklahoma for redneck jackassery.
Shelly Bachmann's Ode to nuttiness. I cannot impart how much contempt and disdain I have for this woman. She personifies the birther, wingnut mindset. The bitch didn't do anything worthwhile during her stint in Congress except spout off conspiracy theories and flatout lies. Yet, remarkably as shown in the comments in the linked article, a lot of people still believe she is the savior of Jeebus and Conservative America. The difference between Bachmann and Pelosi? Pelosis doesn't believe the shit coming out of her own mouth. She is a professional politician and lies accordingly. I believe Shelly believes everything she says, which I find a lot scarier.
And then there was this article about a Mosque in Georgia. One of the things that pisses me off about a lot of Christians (not all of them, but a lot), is that they don't understand that our First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion applies to everyone, not just Christians. To some of these assholes, it seems their belief is "religious freedom for me, but not for thee". The city initially denied the Mosque a permit, but had approved other churches to operate in the same area. When informed by the city attorney that they were looking at a probable lawsuit, and would most likely lose under RLUIPA, they quickly reversed course, and approved the Mosque's application. Well, the people of the good {sarcasm} town* went apeshit as well as a lot of other God Fearin' true patriotic muricans. Read the comments section in the linked article. Granted, is is WND, which is festering with the illiterate, the dangerous, and the flatout batshit crazy nutters, but it is so funny these assholes post about the Constitution and don't even realize their arguments are anticonstitutional. I laughed out loud at the delicious irony of one guy who posted this: "Liberals have an amazing capacity to reject reality". So says someone posting on WND, the epitome of reality rejection. Jesus wept.
*interestingly, this is the town that has the famous city ordinance requiring firearm ownership.
additionally, I realized this is the same county from the Fuck the Police story from Wednesday...Go Georgia, sooner or later you'll catch up to Oklahoma for redneck jackassery.
I hate the current crop of republican politicians
When I heard Obama's Cuba decision, I was waiting for the knee jerk response from politicians, more especially the republican ones. Boy, I didn't have to wait long. Marco Rubio led the way, with Lil' Teddy Cruz following along. I can understand that people with Cuban heritage might have an extreme dislike for the Cuban government. But WTF makes Cubans more special than Vietnamese, Chinese, or survivors from any other totalitarian regime that the U.S. recognizes and has diplomatic, if not economic ties with? I don't hear Rubio or Cruz stating we need to cut ties and start an embargo against China or Vietnam. Fucking hypocritical douche bags. Even a Democrat, Robert Menendez got a few swipes in at Obama. Guess what? He's Cuban as well. Hey Douche bags, you fucking lost. Castro won. Get over it. The embargo didn't fucking work. I'm so tired of a small group of people living in the ass end of Florida affecting the the strategic diplomacy of our country.
Then there are the republicans, (Boehner, McCain, and Graham to name a few) who immediately started whining and barking. I swear, Obama could state murder was bad and these assholes would object and call him a dictator overstepping his bounds with an unlawful and unconstitutional violation of a persons right to kill someone. That's enough for now, I've worked myself up into a tizzy. I need to go calm down.
Yes, I picked on Republicans this post. However, its because they piss me off. Dems just make me laugh with disdain because of their holier than thou social, economic, and enviromental justice themes. The current republicans scare me more than the SJWs of the democrats.
I want a Cuban cigar
Then there are the republicans, (Boehner, McCain, and Graham to name a few) who immediately started whining and barking. I swear, Obama could state murder was bad and these assholes would object and call him a dictator overstepping his bounds with an unlawful and unconstitutional violation of a persons right to kill someone. That's enough for now, I've worked myself up into a tizzy. I need to go calm down.
Yes, I picked on Republicans this post. However, its because they piss me off. Dems just make me laugh with disdain because of their holier than thou social, economic, and enviromental justice themes. The current republicans scare me more than the SJWs of the democrats.
I want a Cuban cigar
Thursday, December 18, 2014
The pussification of the United States
So... I came across this article that basically says animated movies for children are bad, and as parents, we should be careful what we let them watch. The article mentions Bambi, The Lion King, Finding Nemo, and others. Seriously????? Bambi?? Finding Nemo?? I watched Bambi as a child with no lasting harm... hell, millions have watched these movies with no lasting harm. What is with these people? Oh noes, dey killed bambi's mom, Simba's dad, and Nemo's mom...BFD. We can't protect our children from life itself. Look, when shit happens (and it will), if they don't have some reference to base their life experiences on, then they are going to be shit out of luck. Life is sometimes hard and unfair. These movies teach kids from an early age that they can overcome life's obstacles; or as they say in "Galaxy Quest," never give up, never surrender. If the trend keeps on this path, we will have a nation of pussies, if we don't already.
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Woman says, "Fuck the Police" to some cops, they get an incurable case of butthurt, she gets paid.
A woman in Georgia was arrested for yelling "Fuck the Police" and giving the finger to some cops. Well, those poor little angels in blue just couldn't stand that a citizen treated them with such disrespect, so in a rage of butthurt, they arrested her for disorderly conduct.
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