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Friday, December 19, 2014

WND; the gift that keeps on giving

So, I was perusing WND for shits and giggles and came across a couple of stories:

Shelly Bachmann's Ode to nuttiness.  I cannot impart how much contempt and disdain I have for this woman.  She personifies the birther, wingnut mindset.  The bitch didn't do anything worthwhile during her stint in Congress except spout off conspiracy theories and flatout lies. Yet, remarkably as shown in the comments in the linked article, a lot of people still believe she is the savior of Jeebus and Conservative America.  The difference between Bachmann and Pelosi?  Pelosis doesn't believe the shit coming out of her own mouth.  She is a professional politician and lies accordingly.  I believe Shelly believes everything she says, which I find a lot scarier.

And then there was this article about a Mosque in Georgia.  One of the things that pisses me off about a lot of Christians (not all of them, but a lot), is that they don't understand that our First Amendment guarantees of freedom of religion applies to everyone, not just Christians.  To some of these assholes, it seems their belief is "religious freedom for me, but not for thee". The city initially denied the Mosque a permit, but had approved other churches to operate in the same area.  When informed by the city attorney that they were looking at a probable lawsuit, and would most likely lose under RLUIPA, they quickly reversed course, and approved the Mosque's application.  Well, the people of the good {sarcasm} town* went apeshit as well as a lot of other God Fearin' true patriotic muricans.  Read the comments section in the linked article.  Granted, is is WND, which is festering with the illiterate, the dangerous, and the flatout batshit crazy nutters, but it is so funny these assholes post about the Constitution and don't even realize their arguments are anticonstitutional.  I laughed out loud at the delicious irony of one guy who posted this: "Liberals have an amazing capacity to reject reality".  So says someone posting on WND, the epitome of reality rejection.  Jesus wept.

*interestingly, this is the town that has the famous city ordinance requiring firearm ownership.

additionally, I realized this is the same county from the Fuck the Police story from Wednesday...Go Georgia, sooner or later you'll catch up to Oklahoma for redneck jackassery.

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