Friday, December 19, 2014

I hate the current crop of republican politicians

When I heard Obama's Cuba decision, I was waiting for the knee jerk response from politicians, more especially the republican ones.  Boy, I didn't have to wait long.  Marco Rubio led the way, with Lil' Teddy Cruz following along.  I can understand that people with Cuban heritage might have an extreme dislike for the Cuban government.  But WTF makes Cubans more special than Vietnamese, Chinese, or survivors from any other totalitarian regime that the U.S. recognizes and has diplomatic, if not economic ties with? I don't hear Rubio or Cruz stating we need to cut ties and start an embargo against China or Vietnam.  Fucking hypocritical douche bags.  Even a Democrat, Robert Menendez got a few swipes in at Obama.  Guess what?  He's Cuban as well.  Hey Douche bags, you fucking lost.  Castro won.  Get over it.  The embargo didn't fucking work.  I'm so tired of a small group of people living in the ass end of Florida affecting the the strategic diplomacy of our country.

Then there are the republicans, (Boehner, McCain, and Graham to name a few) who immediately started whining and barking.  I swear, Obama could state murder was bad and these assholes would object and call him a dictator overstepping his bounds with an unlawful and unconstitutional violation of a persons right to kill someone.  That's enough for now, I've worked myself up into a tizzy.  I need to go calm down.

Yes, I picked on Republicans this post.  However, its because they piss me off.  Dems just make me laugh with disdain because of their holier than thou social, economic, and enviromental justice themes.  The current republicans scare me more than the SJWs of the democrats.

I want a Cuban cigar

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