Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Bill Cosby

When icons fall, it's troubling.  It sounds like there may be humongous troubling news for a lot of people because Ol' Bill Cosby may be into some trouble.  Nineteen woman have come forward accusing Cosby of drugging them and molesting/raping them.  Of course Ol' Bill is innocent until proven guilty; but you know the old saying "where there is smoke, there is fire"?  Well, Cosby has a goddamn forest fire going on.

Criminally there will probably not be any repercussions because the reported rapes, if true, happening years ago and the statute of limitations have run out.  If there are any recent allegations, then that may cook his goose.  On the civil side?  It still happened long ago, and I doubt there is any evidence other than "he said she said" allegations.

One thing that did surprise me was Cosby seemed to think he was bullet proof and ask the internet to meme him.  Are you fucking kidding me?  Well, what followed was not only predictable, but hilarious as well.

and my favorite:

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