Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Woman says, "Fuck the Police" to some cops, they get an incurable case of butthurt, she gets paid.

A woman in Georgia was arrested for yelling "Fuck the Police" and giving the finger to some cops.  Well, those poor little angels in blue just couldn't stand that a citizen treated them with such disrespect, so in a rage of butthurt, they arrested her for disorderly conduct.

A judge eventually dropped the charges, noting her words "clearly constituted political speech."  Lo and behold, she filed a federal lawsuit alleging her First Amendment rights were violated.  Well, the county approved a $100,000 settlement.  The taxpayers have to pay just because of police butthurt*. 

*Speaking of butthurt, check out the irony in this article by some feminist SJW complaining about the term butthurt

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