Wednesday, December 3, 2014

ignorant facebook asshats

I didn't actually plan on posting today, but I ran across something that just totally pissed me off.  Now, I know a lot of Facebook users tend to believe anything they see online, or in chain emails, but Jesus Hussein Christ, can't people do a little research before they spout off and make themselves look like idiots?  I'm speaking of course of the tweet showing a Ferguson protester with a sign that says, well, I'll just show you what it says

Only one problem, the sign didn't really say that.  Want to see what it really said?

It would have taken just 5 minutes of research at, (hell, all they had to do was Google "ferguson protester") and it would have been immediately clear the photo was fake.  

But no, some people start spouting off the most disgusting shit.   A lot of these people are the same ones who will swear up and down they aren't racists, but there actions and comments speak for themselves.  Guess what? if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, odds are its a fucking duck!  But then again, there are those who commented who aren't racists, they're just fucking ignorant.  Ignorance will be the death of our country.

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