Thursday, October 23, 2014

A dick prosecutor, an out of control DEA, and fallout from the total failure called the War on Drugs.

I heard about this awhile back when word got out about the Federal Magistrate's unconstitutional requirements for bond were made public.  However, after reading the whole saga, it becomes clear we have to do something about unaccountable prosecutors and out of control law enforcement.  Our liberties have been consistently curtailed in the name of the so called War on Drugs.
Now, before anybody jumps the gun, we cannot blame this on Obama.  Granted he hasn't done anything to curtail this shit, but he is just one in a long line of presidents that have escalated the "War."  Nixon started this shit, and every president afterwards has continued it and gradually squeezed away our civil liberties.  The Patriot Act and all the anti-terror shit that came afterwards just worsened the situation.  So what do we do about it?

1. Rein in prosecutors.  It seems like we hear more and more about dick prosecutors who trample on justice.  This isn't all prosecutors;  I have friends who are prosecutors and they aren't dicks (well, one is a dick, but not that type of dick prosecutor, just a dick in general, but I love him for it. You know who you are).  How do we rein in these dicks?  I don't know.  A possibility is removing the absolute immunity they hold and replace it with qualified immunity.  Is this the best course? Probably not, but until judges and state bars stop ignoring and whitewashing the misconduct, it has to be considered.  Another thing that will help is if the public would stop re-electing the same old douches, just because they have an "R" or a "D" by their name.  Don't fall for the "law and order" and "tough on crime" campaign slogans.  I could go on and on about prosecutorial misconduct (I live in Texas after all, but that is a separate series of posts), but for now I've said enough.

Edited to add this link which says the same things I've said:

coming soon: part II, the DEA and the drug war

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