Monday, October 20, 2014

Religious freedom, not religious privilege

Okay, this will be a quick one because the overreacting from certain quarters is causing me to bang my head against my desk out of frustration.  The Idaho wedding chapel case is not an assault against religious freedoms or a violation of the first amendment.  The place in question is a for profit wedding chapel.  Not a church, but a wedding chapel where people pay to be married.  Because of this, they cannot deny a couple because they are gay.  Just like some ignorant racist cannot refuse to serve someone because they are black.  What's that you say? I'm justa godless heathen who don't understand the word of Jaysus [bad grammar and spelling was intentional]?  Well then, read someone else's take on it.  And before you dismiss his view, read a little of his bio, he is not a heathen.

Too many people incorrectly say religious freedom, when what they really mean is religious privilege.  They want their views to trump the beliefs of everyone else.  Contrary to christian opinion, there is not a war against christianity going on.  There is however, a movement to bring christianity to the same level as the other religions, as well it should be.

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