Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Been wanting to do this forever

Well, I finally did it, I created a blog.  Now I just have to hope that there are at least a couple of people out there that care about what I have to say.  Let me begin by telling you a few things about the great [sarcasm] ModeratarianMan.  While I do intend to maintain a certain modicum of anonymity with this blog, I will tell you a few things about myself in my view of order of most importance:

1.    I am a father to a beautiful and wonderful 3 year old daughter and a stepfather to a beautiful and wonderful 18 year old stepdaughter (she currently has shoved her head very far up her ass, and has violated the trust of her mother and I; she is on my shit list), and a wonderful 16 year old stepson.

2.    I am husband to a beautiful and wonderful wife who puts up with all my bullshit.

2.5  I sometimes use profanity as exhibited in the previous factum.  If the occasional use of profanity offends you, you might want to stop reading now and never come back to this page again.

3.    I am a Freemason.

4.    I am an attorney with the U.S. Goverment, specifically with the Social Security Administration.  While I am an attorney, this is in no way a blawg.  I will not be commenting with any expertise on the legality of things going on in today's society.  That is not to say I will not be giving my opinion on such things, just take what I say with a grain of salt, unless I happen to comment on Social Security disability issues.  I will not give legal advice to anyone (note to self, add a disclaimer to the blog).

5.    I am a moderate independent when it comes to politics, though there are some politicians and talking heads I despise with a passion.  As far as my economic views, I am again a moderate;  I will support whatever works, just as long as you are able to prove it works.  Socially I lean (somewhere between 45 and 20 degrees) libertarian.  Hence my blog handle, Modera(te liber)tarianMan.

6.    On a daily basis, I generally read multiple newspapers online, read many blawgs, and read multiple news sites.  I try to stay well informed on current events.

7.    I love art and love to paint, though I have not had the time to paint in a long time.  However, I intend to change that soon and start painting again.

8.    I love to write fiction.  But as with painting, time has been a limiting factor and it has been nigh impossible to put pen to paper, or to describe it more modernly, fingers to keys.

9.    I am not particularly religious. If you know anything about the masons, you know I am not an athiest. However, I hold no love for organized religions, and tend to view them and their followers cynically and critically.  I will at times tear into some of these people for their hypocrisy.

It will take me some time to get this blog's appearance and format to my liking, but I will endeavor to get it finished as quick as possible.  As soon as I can, I will post a blogroll of all the sites I frequently read.  A bit of a disclaimer, I don't necessarily agree with all the blogs (in fact some make me bang my head on the keyboard in frustration), but I believe in being well informed.  That requires you to step out of the echo chamber.  If you want a good start on blogs and blawgs to read, here are two that I read daily: and  If you start to explore the listed blogs on popehat, you will get a preview of my blogroll.

That is it for now, until next time.

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